Mission Lamb

Who is Mission Lamb?
I want you to meet the Azevedo Family. They are the love, passion, and faces behind Mission Lamb.
Spencer and I have known Grant and Shurina Azevedo since 2008. We have watched our little families go from the dating stage, to the engaged and newlywed chapter, to the “crazy business idea” phases and here we are today……..

I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that these two amazing people weren’t part of the reason we jumped in with both feet when it came to becoming first generation ranchers. I can remember like it was yesterday. It was New Year’s Eve of 2012 and Grant was sitting in our kitchen on a bar stool explaining this dream he had of going into the sheep business and becoming a sheep rancher. Insert the crazy face emoji. And you know what- HE DID IT!!!!! Him an Shurina bought those wooly critters and started Azevedo Sheep Company 7 years ago! Since then they have grown their operation into a commercial sheep herd added the cutest 2 little boys, Keegan and Eli, and have a passion for raising a family in lifestyle that is slowing dying.
The Story Behind Mission Lamb
After watching Grant and Shurina jump head first into this, Spencer and I knew we had to join in on the craziness and so we started our cattle herd about 4 years later. It’s a funny thing about this industry- it gets in your blood. And the thing I love the most is how closely it can bring you together. The highs and lows that are part of ranching, farming, and agriculture are like no other. And to have friends who are like family to share it with makes this journey even sweeter. It has been an absolute blessing to be able to go and help them process sheep and have them a part of our brandings. Awww man, all the feels!!!!!
So here is the SUPER EXCITING PART……… About 2 years ago when I decided to sell ranch direct beef, part of that dream was figuring out a way to bring others along with me that could share in this boxed beef venture. My goal from day one was to collaborate with other small businesses in the industry to offer their products as part of our boxes. To my very core, in my bones, I just feel it so passionately that there is enough room for us all at the table. And in an industry that is constantly under fire, why aren’t we joing forces and building strength in our numbers.
So in complete “Jess” fashion I decided that I needed The Azevedo Sheep Company to be our ranch direct lamb providers. And as I do so well, I just kept at it. Bugging them is what some might call it lol. But I just knew in my heart that these two passionate believers needed to help me offer premium quality meats to YOU!

What Does Mission Lamb Offer?
Mission Lamb will be offering Ranch Direct Lamb right to your door. OH MY CRAZY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!! So now not only can you buy 2A Beef, I am so stinken proud to announce you can order lamb boxes as well from our 2A Beef sight.
How is the lamb raised?
These lambs are raised in the mountains and valley of California. They are all natural, hormone and antibiotic free and finished on a grass and grain diet. Careful detail to feed, care, quality and optimum harvesting age has all been paid attention too. And the best part- raised and grown right here in the USA and harvested under USDA guidelines. Did you know most lamb you buy in the grocery store is imported?

How Do I Order Mission Lamb?
Ordering is SIMPLE!!! You can order right here on this page!!! Enjoy all the best cuts like lamb chops, steaks, ground, leg of lamb. We are also offering whole and half lamb purchases too!!! Just like our 2A Beef, it will ship overnight to your door. It is shipped in a 48 hour insulated liner on dry ice.
It will be shipped on the same schedule, every Tuesday/Wednesday like 2A Beef and you can use the CVFREESHIP code for free local pick-up in Carson Valley!
How can I follow Mission Lamb?
Check them out on Facebook and Instagram to see how their operation works and those cute cowboys that help with all the sheep things!!!

A Note from 2A Beef…
You guys- this is only Chapter 2!!!!! They say, if you believe it, you can achieve it. And I am so excited to be able to share Mission Lamb in this journey with us.
Thanks for believing in US and trusting us to be your beef ranchers!!!!! We promise to always bring you quality meats, great stories, and an unwavering passion for the industry and food we provide!!!!!
– Jessica and Spencer Anderson